Survival Frog Hand Warmer/USB Charger and my Snow Shoes

Survival Frog Hand Warmer/USB Charger

Hey everyone, hope you are having an awesome day.  My day has been jam packed thus far and this evening promises to be just as fun.  For those of you sitting inside because it is too cold, you may want to rethink that as there are many things you can do to stay warm and enjoy the outdoors when it is cold and snowy.  Today’s blog is about two of the pieces of equipment that will help you with exactly that. Survival Frog USB Charger and Hand Warmer Every once in a while, I come across multi-purpose devices.  Not devices that I use for multiple purposes but devices are actually designed for multiple purposes.  The Survival Frog is exactly one of those devices and I have fallen in love with this thing.  As you know, batteries lose charge quite fast in the cold and our hands are also quite susceptible … Read more

Canon EOS 6D and the Outdoors

Canon EOS 6D

The Canon EOS 6D is my favorite! Why do I say it is my favorite camera?  Well, that will take a while to answer but to give it a quick answer, it is one of the most powerful yet easy to use camera’s I have ever owned.  To say that Canon has it figured out is an understatement. The ease at which you can get professional photos using this camera is utterly astounding.  Yes, the price tag is a little higher than ones such as the T7i and lower end camera’s, but the capabilities and quality makes it more than worth the extra cost.  Add to this the fact that it is a full frame camera as opposed to a cropped, and you will see why this is my favorite. The Canon EOS 6D has a lot of features that other camera’s do not but as stated above, that comes … Read more