I am excited to get this site off the ground. It as been a long time coming and I believe we all have great insights and stories to share regarding both the outdoors and the gear we use.
The reason I started this site is that I have been an avid outdoors lover for my entire life and have used all kinds of gear over the years. It has gotten to a point that I forget some of the stuff I use and just use it without thinking about why at all. This site is a vehicle to allow me to keep track why I use certain gear and why I do not use other gear. It also allows me to create a community of people who want to share the gear they use and the reasons why. By doing this, we all benefit, and I have a way of controlling my sometimers memory. lol
Please contact me anytime to either ask questions or if you wish to contribute anything to the site. I love hearing other peoples thoughts about different gear they use and why.